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It's been known for some time now, drinking 8 ounces of water is critical for your overall health. Studies have shown staying hydrated will improve your energy level, clarity, productivity, mood, and memory. What if you were told there is something you can drink that will hydrate you even faster and longer than regular drinking water and will improve your blood, bones, and organ health? If you are not sure, please continue to read on.
The answer is alkaline water! As you continue to read you will discover the pros and cons regarding the benefits of drinking alkaline water and the many reasons why.

Just What Is Alkaline Water?

Alkaline water has higher levels of hydrogen than regular drinking water. The pH level is measured by the number of hydrogen ions in the water. High concentrations of hydrogen ions provide a low pH or acidic substance whereas low levels of hydrogen ions result in higher pH or basic substances.
Breaking it down, the pH scale runs from 0 to 14. Anything below 7 (0 to 6.9) is considered acidic and anything above 7 (7.1 to 14) is considered basic. Your blood is considered slightly basic with a pH of 7. Other products that are considered highly basic such as soap at pH 12, and bleach at pH 13. On the other hand, coffee is pH 5 and considered slightly basic. Tomato juice is pH 4, lemon juice is pH 2 and both are highly acidic.

How Is Alkaline Water Made?

There are 2 kinds of alkaline water, one is found in nature while the other is found in popular water bottles. In this article, you will discover there are different opinions when it comes to alkaline water. We will go over the opinions.
First off, alkaline water in nature is flowing water that crosses over rocks in springs. This water picks up minerals as it flows boosting its pH and alkalinity. Alkaline water found in plastic bottles is created through a process called electrolysis. During the process, an ionizer is used to raise the pH of the water and electricity separates the acidic and alkaline molecules in the water. During the process, the acidic molecules are funneled out.

Is Alkaline Any Good For You?

This is probably one of the most asked questions but the answer is not all that straightforward.
Many people want to know if alkaline water will actually make you feel better?
There is a good chance because it's a great way to get hydration to your body and the minerals offer many potential health benefits, It might be. We'll address this question a little later on.
Will alkaline water by itself improve your health?
The scientific evidence is still out on this question as further research must be performed. What some research does show, the increased amount of alkaline minerals in your body through supplements can lead to significant boosts in your blood and urinary pH.
Will higher levels of pH affect your health significantly?
Some sources say yes while others say no. Unfortunately, there is not a whole lot of scientific evidence to support the claim of alkaline water benefits. Those who are in favor, believe that it can possibly:
  • Support your immune system
  • It can cleanse your body, especially the colon
  • Offers antioxidants that help with anti-aging
  • Can support weight loss by boosting your metabolism
  • Boosts skin health with hydration
  • Helps good digestion and bowel health

Will Alkaline Water Alter Your Body's Natural pH Level?

No. Usually, your blood stays at a pH of 7 which is right in the middle of the pH scale. The pH level in your urine is altered by what you drink and eat. When the alkaline you consume hits your stomach, the acids in your gut neutralize it. Essentially, you are paying a good deal of money to drink something that will not affect your body's acidity.

Will Drinking Alkaline Water Cause Any Problems?

Drinking bottled alkaline water every other day will have no significant effect on your body. On the other hand, if you drink a ton of alkaline water on a daily basis, your body will have to work harder to maintain its pH. That means, over time, your body will create more gastric juices and digestive enzymes.

Final words

Those who suffer from kidney conditions or are taking medications to alter their kidney function, the minerals in alkaline water could start to accumulate in their bodies. If you are someone who suffers from kidney issues, it is highly recommended you talk with your doctor before drinking alkaline water whether through natural sources or in bottled water.

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