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For many people, pets are family. Cats, dogs, birds, fish, and even pigs are adopted into our families on a daily basis, and treated as though they were also human. They’re fed the best food available, given lots of snuggles, and earn a spot on the bed – or at least on the nightstand. But, do you ever consider the quality of water you are providing to your four-legged friends?
Pet owners are often greatly concerned with the overall health of their pet. Filtered water not only boosts overall hydration, but it also prevents exposure to dangerous contaminants, including: lead, copper, parasites, pesticides, chlorine, and much more. If you are as concerned with the quality of your pet’s drinking water, you will definitely want to learn about these top 3 reasons for supplying your beloved pal with filtered water.

Essential Nutrients

Did you know that mammals receive many nutrients through drinking water? It’s true! Water plays an essential role in carrying nutrients throughout the cells of your dog’s body. This further enables your pet to absorb and digest nutrients, which aids in the role of many other bodily functions. This includes temperature regulation, spinal cord cushioning, and even lubricating joints.

Supporting Seniors

With any lifeform, extra support is essential during the senior years. This is especially true with aging dogs, as they need excess water to support bodily functions, as well as the immune system. Filtered water will better enable your pet’s body to heal properly, or recover whenever they become ill. This is true for young animals, especially runts.

Decreased Bloat

There has been a myth surrounding the idea that cold water is helpful in the decrease of bloat in dogs. Well, we are glad to say there is truth to this bit of advice. One real way to stop the bad habit of drinking too much water, leading to bloat, is to provide cold filtered water in a metal bowl. Avoid providing your dog with ice, as it also enables the dog to consume excess water, which exacerbates the condition of bloat.

What Purified Water Provides

Contaminants provide dangers of their own, especially with the more dangerous contaminants. Tap water is easily contaminated, even after it has been run through a water treatment facility. Dogs and cats are easily effected by various contaminants entering their body. This further highlights the importance of provided safe, healthy drinking water in the form of filtered or otherwise purified water. Tap water tends to come into contact with aging or rusty pipes, especially in old buildings. Additionally, a filter will remove or greatly decrease the chlorine used in water treatment plants to kill off bacteria.

Will Tap Water Hurt Your Dog?

Tap water is often taken for granted. Having instant access to water within our household, although essential, is a convenience most of the world lives without. This means dogs are able to receive water just by a fill of the bowl. No need for their owner to walk to a natural water source each time someone is thirsty. Although this quickly eases their thirst, is tap water as safe as it is convenient?
Typically, the answer is yes, according to Dr. Ann Hohenhaus. As a staff veterinarian at New York City’s Animal Medical Center in, most water sources are completely safe. Families residing within the Flint, Michigan are, though, may want to avoid tap water due to the current water crisis. In this case, not all water sources are safe, and require significant water filtration efforts in order to make it safe for consumption. Even as dogs or cats, drinking tap water could lead to irreversible damage within organs, and other portions of the body.

Can I Give My Dog Bottled Water, Instead?

Bottled water, while overwhelmingly popular, is also not as safe as one might assume. Images used throughout advertising conjure up thoughts of a deer peacefully residing along a gentle stream. In reality, though, bottled water manufacturers typically utilize tap water from local sources to fill plastic bottles. In most cases, the plastic utilized to make said bottles does not serve as a safe drinking vessel. Micro plastics tend to break off, and chemicals can be leached into the contents under various conditions of heat.
If you must utilize bottled water for your pet, you can opt for certified products, instead. For those of you who live around dangerous water sources, a water filter may not provide enough purification efforts to make it drinkable. Certified bottled water products utilize similar filtration methods, such as through an industrial RO system, in order to provide safe drinking water. Although plastic containers are not a safe alternative, many grocery stores or health food stores provide fill up stations for various types of purified water. This further enables owners to purchase and fill glass containers, in order to tote purified water home without the hassle of plastic.
PIC: plastic bottles

Final Thoughts

Your pets deserve the best, from food to toys, even water sources. It’s important to utilize purified or filtered drinking water sources, if only to avoid health complications down the road. Various contaminants, commonly found in tap water, can lead to irreversible damage to humans and pets alike. By sourcing high quality water, you and your pet can enjoy a long life together, in a healthier state. Avoiding plastics and various tap water contaminants, will go great lengths in preventing disease, and ensuring proper nutrition for extended longevity.

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