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We cannot do without showering every day. After all, everyone wants to have clear and soft skin. Showering helps to declutter the skin pores, and we need water for this. However, the type of water we use – tap water – has more effects than we think. Considering that we find ways to filter our tap water before drinking, does it mean unfiltered water is bad for our body? Lets' find out together!

Are You Showering with Hard Water?

If you regularly encounter soap scum – the white filmy mineral remnants on your shower head and faucet, your water is most likely hard water. By hard water, we mean water containing very high amounts of magnesium and calcium minerals. The adverse effects of hard water on the hair are evident in hair color and texture. In most cases, it accumulates minerals in the hair, causing hair to frizz. In addition, the pH of hard water ranges between 8.5 and 10, or sometimes higher. Therefore, highly alkaline water can cause the hair fibers to swell, leading to permanent damage.
Your bathroom is also at the risk of hard water-induced damages, including the accumulation of limescale on surfaces. In addition, the minerals in the hard water can accumulate in large amounts, clogging your shower head and shower drains while disfiguring the floor and walls of your bathroom.
Showering with Hard Water

Water Contaminants May Harm You.

Besides high levels of minerals, you may be at severe health risks if your water contains specific contaminants. Scientific studies have shown that up to 80% of dissolved chemicals escape into the air when the water is heated. The hot water in your shower comes with releasing these dangerous chemicals, which can indirectly and directly find their way into your body system.
Trihalomethanes (THMs) are one of such chemicals. Others include chloramine, chlorine, and volatile organic chemicals (VOCs), all of which negatively affect your health when you are directly exposed to them. Such adverse reactions include itchy eyes, runny nose, and consistent coughing – all of these symptoms are caused by chloramine and chlorine. THMs may impair your breathing and cause respiratory issues like asthma and others. VOCs and THMs can put you at a higher risk of cancers of the kidney, breast, colon, and bladder, and on prolonged exposure, damage your liver, lungs, heart, and kidney.

How Do You Remove These Contaminants?

Installing a water treatment system in your home will effectively eliminate these shower contaminants in your water. For instance, a carbon filter or a reverse osmosis water filter, or both can make your shower water free of harmful contaminants. You can also eliminate the hardness minerals and soften the water by installing a water softener.
This water filter system is made of high-quality and premium material, delivering an outstanding filtration performance. The water filtration system for home features 2-stage filtration. The first 5-micron PP cotton filter intercepts any large particles such as sediments, rust, dirt, grits, silt.
The second GAC filter adopts natural coconut shell to make granular activated carbon, which reduces funny taste, odor and chlorine and improves water taste. The efficient filtration performance prolongs water-related appliances service life.The dual sealing rings prevent water leakage.The reinforced structure features durable materials, and passed 300 psi water pressure and 100,000 water hammer tests.
Despite being an 18-stage filter replacement, this product maintains a common size compatible with almost all similar shower filter shell designs – 10, 12, 15, 17, multi-stage, or 18-stage filter shell. Depending on your usage and water conditions, you get up to six months of filter life or 12,000 gallons of filtered water. That means that local water of very poor quality may reduce the lifespan by a few months, prompting a replacement earlier than stated.
This filter is effective against impurities like heavy metals, chlorine, and sediments. It also reduces calcareous and magnesium substances in water, thereby removing the hardness and softening the water. Other features include the prevention of limescale accumulation, balancing pH, and adding beneficial minerals to the filtered water.
With this water filter, you are well-protected from dry, itchy skin, eczema, bone-dry hair, and dandruff, all caused by hard, contaminated water.
This filter system from Aqua-Pure effectively reduces sediments, thanks to its five-micron nominal filter membrane, leaving you with cleaner and safer drinking water. The housing is transparent, providing you with a clear view of the cartridge. It is a whole house filtration; therefore, it filters the water directly from the source to ensure only filtered water comes out of your bathroom, kitchen, or laundry sinks and faucets. This filter can conveniently serve up to two bathrooms in a single home.
It is compatible with multiple replacement cartridge options, including AP110, AP1001, AP117, and AP420 drop-in cartridges. The lifespan of the filter is six months. Therefore, we recommend changing your cartridge after this period to keep system performance and filtration results optimal. You should also ensure regular maintenance to keep the water quality at the highest.

In Conclusion

Your hair and skin deserve better. Ensure you use only filtered soft water with no harmful impurities present on your skin. Feel free to choose any of the filter systems mentioned above, depending on your preferences, requirements, and budget. You can never go wrong with a water filter system.

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