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There is nothing more frustrating than completing a car wash in your own driveway, than to notice water spots across its finish. No mater how well it's dried, a few water spots will stick out on your car like a sore thumb. In the end, it may feel as though your vehicle still appears to be dirty, as though you never even washed it in the first place. Let's explore a few top solutions to managing water spots after a car wash, as well as complete prevention.

Prevention is Key

While complete prevention may be far from possible, you may be glad to hear that there are methods in which the appearance of water spots are greatly decreased. Without treating your tap water, there are very few ways to prevent water spots, as the use of basic products may be your only solution. Water spots tend to originate with hard water, which requires treatment of the water itself. Be careful not to buy into empty promises prominently displayed on various product labels, as most of those details rely heavily on water quality.

Purchase Vehicles with Lighter Paint

Perhaps one of the most inconvenient “solutions” is to purchase a vehicle of a lighter color. By doing so, you will avoid the chances of water spots being easily visible against the paint job. White, tan, gray, yellow, light blue, and even gold have less of a chance of showing water spots. Investing in a lighter colored car will go great lengths in hiding water spots, but this solution doesn't help those of you who aren't currently in the market for a new vehicle.

Utilize a Car Sealant or Wax

A high quality carnauba wax, or vehicle sealant are one of the most effective methods in preventing water spots caused by hard water. These products not only to serve to impart a certain luster and shine, but also provide a protection against rain. Once a car is properly protected, any resulting water spots are easily removed from the top of the wax layer.

Quickly Dry Your Vehicle

Allowing your car to air dry only likens the chances that you will have an abundance of water spots when all is said and done. This is why the majority of automatic car washes employ dryers in order to send you on your way. In doing so, they ensure higher customer satisfaction, by removing water spots from the equation. You may easily obtain a shammy cloth, which takes the guess work out of drying your vehicle.

Removing Water Spots

Once you find yourself battling set in water spots, you may have to work to remove the end result. Because the elements in hard water that create water spots are mineral based, an acid-based cleaner is all it takes to combat unsightly marks.

White Vinegar

Simply create a solution of 50% white vinegar, and 50% filtered water in a spray bottle. This common household cleaning agent is easily obtained at a local grocery store or hardware store. The smell may be a bit unsavory, so this particular solution may not work for every car owner. Compared to citrus-based cleaners, vinegar is only slightly acidic. Therefore, you may need to spray the solution onto water spots, and allow it to sit before wiping away. As a side note, please remember to wear goggles, gloves, and a mask when utilizing more serious cleaners.


This lesser known water spot remover is great for superficial water spots that haven't baked into the clear coat of your car. Unfortunately, it is not a suitable method of removal for every solution. If a particle has been embedded into the car itself, and penetrated the clear coat, clay won't do much to help.

The Ultimate Solution

In the end, the best method of preventing water spots from ever forming in the first place is by controlling the water source. Because minerals in hard water cause water spots to form, it's essential to remove them from the water completely as possible. Otherwise, the minerals cause the water to dry in an uneven manner, resulting in unsightly spots. This is where water filtration really has the opportunity to shine, especially in the form outdoor filtration devices.
Homeowners will be glad to hear of the assortment of filtration devices designed specifically to filter a whole house from one location, or attach to hoses at the nozzle or spigot. Regardless of the type of water filtration, this type of device will go great lengths in ensuring a decreased risk of facing a slew of water spots, again. This will make your application of wax or sealant much more effective than before, for a luster the whole neighborhood is sure to envy.

AQUACREST Inline Water Filter

Aquacrest's upgraded composite filter utilizes superior resin in order to effectively filter water, and reduce the appearance of water spots. This means it's less likely homeowners will need the aid of a cloth to finish the job. A feature of multiple filtration removes chlorine, which is known to impart foul flavors and smells to the resulting water. Sediments are further reduced, ensuring the overall longevity of your vehicle's paint job. All that's required is to attach the filtration device to a 3/4” garden hose thread, before beginning your project.
A 5-micron filter prevents impurities from flowing through, ensuring the maintenance of overall water quality. By washing your car at home, you will not only be saving money by avoiding the car wash, but may pay more attention to smaller details. On average, the inline car wash filter costs less than washing services, and doesn't require running an additional errand. Enjoy the benefits of one filter for up to an entire month, before a replacement is required. This means your car will be protected for longer lengths of time, while you enjoy fresh, clean water straight from the hose.

Unger Rinse 'n' Go Spotless Car Washing System

The Unger Rinse 'n' Go washing system uses similar technology to that of professional car wash services. This means you will receive the same streak-free, spotless results at home than you have come to expect from brick and mortar car wash businesses. An ingenious design means that this filtration device is ready to go from the moment you bring it home. Contents include a soap blasting nozzle, resin bag, TDS meter, 8' input hose, and Rinse 'n' Go unit. The deionization filter is capable of removing water spots caused by contaminants and minerals found in unfiltered water.

CR Spotless Simplest RV & Car Wash

The Simplest RV & Car Wash from CR Spotless utilizes water filtration through methods of deionization in order to remove minerals commonly found in tap water. This enables car owners to wash their car without the stress of water spots. Wash your car, rinse, and you're done. This filtration device provides services beyond your car, such as RVs, motorcycles, windows, doors, porches, and more.
Enjoy up to 300 gallons of filtered, mineral-free water, using your very own water source from home. This means you can have the same level of results as you've come to expect from the professionals. With a unit that is mounted on a rust resistant, powder coated cart, homeowners can rest assured it will make the entire process of washing cars easy from start to finish. Simply roll it into the driveway, and roll it back into storage once you're done. The kit include everything you need to get started, including: stainless steel input line, filter wrench, spray nozzle, purity indicator (battery operated), and two 20” deionizing resin cartridges.

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