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Understanding the Dangers of Chromium-6

It can be extremely disheartening to begin learning about the contaminants commonly present within our polluted water systems. These contaminants pose significant risks to your overall health, the health of loved ones, and even your pets. Although there are a variety of dangerous contaminants, Chromium 6 has recently begun to gain attention on a grand scale. Why is a single contaminant gaining ground?

Contaminating at an Alarming Rate

Chromium 6 is beginning to contaminate water ways at an alarming rate compared to the contamination rate of other contaminants. When this particular contaminants is consumed over a long period of time, the harmful consequences are more dire than that of others. As such, more time and effort are being put into the research surrounding the occurrence and the impact on overall health.
Whether we choose to ignore the facts surrounding this contaminant, or decide to educate ourselves on the applicable health risks, Chromium 6 is here to stay. Although you may not personally experience the health problems associated with the consumption of this element, the fact remains: Chromium 6 is dangerous to human life. We all deserve access to safe and reliable water sources, free from the risk of dangerous contaminants. As such, let’s delve a little deeper into the history of chromium, how it impacts your day-to-day activities, and what you can do to avoid it.

The History of Chromium

Chromium 6 is a naturally occurring chemical known to cause cancer. It is also the by-product of industrial efforts, which tend to produce high concentrations of the contaminant. This type of pollution is produced when any given industrial site fails to properly dispose of waste, including unlined coal ash ponds, and more. The side effects of even small amounts of chromium 6 exposure leads to complications such as stomach cancer, pneumonia, skin burns, and difficulty during childbirth.
Like many women following her, a California woman known as Erin Brockovich made it her personal mission in the 90s to put an end to the contaminated drinking water of her local area. Through endless research, Erin discovered the shocking truth behind the contamination of Chromium 6 to her local water ways, thanks to the Pacific Gas and Electric Company. Her work gained so much attention, a movie was made in her honor. The film “Erin Brockovich” provides a look into the discovery of a 30 year contamination poisoning on the town called Hinkley due to the mismanagement of the electric company. Citizens suffered from liver damage, complications to their reproductive health, cancer, and even developmental delays.
Unfortunately, despite the heaps of evidence proving the dangers surrounding chromium 6, the United States EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) has refused to set any legal limits for chromium 6 levels in tap water. Data was analyzed by the Environmental Working Group through the use of water tests from around the country in order to assess the levels of contaminants present in US drinking water sources. These tests demonstrated that contaminants, such as Chromium 6, were lurking within the water supply of more than 200 million Americans across the nation. Essentially, this means that households within 50 states of the US are utilizing and consuming tap water contaminated with dangerous elements including Chromium 6.

The Highest Levels of Chromium 6 Contamination

More than 1,370 United States county water supplies featured chromium 6 levels far beyond California’s benchmark along, thanks to an analysis conducted by the EWG. Their interactive map shows exactly where these counties are located, but include Arizona, California, Arizona, and more. The highest averages were found within the area of Phoenix, with St. Louis, Houston, and others close behind.
As time ticks on, and citizens continue to pay the consequences of this widely ignored contaminant, the EPA has conducted comprehensive health reviews beginning back in 2010. This was when the first tests for Chromium 6 were conducted on a national level, solely in response to a report from the EWG. Associates claim the halt on creating Chromium 6 federal regulations is due to the difficulty surrounding testing for toxicity, with very few citizens having had proper experience with the element.
A spokesperson for the EPA wrote an emailed statement on behalf of the agency, in regard to the assessment of Chromium 6’s health risk, with future plans to publish and release findings within the next year. Currently, only 2% of the water systems tested by the EPA exceeded that of California’s water standard (10 PPB). Supposedly, this is far lower than 75% of systems around the country, with levels higher than 0.02 PPB.

Enjoy Water Free From Chromium 6

The aid of a home water filtration system provides peace of mind to the health of you and your family. This means you can cook with water, drink daily water, and serve water to others within your home free from the worry of contaminants and risky consequences. Running out to your local grocery store for a filtration system isn’t enough, though. In order to protect your loved ones from the dangers of deadly contaminants, you must identify a home filtration system backed by NSF certifications.
The NSF International organization was developed to set standards in regard to public health, providing certification programs in an effort to protect water worldwide. These certifications may be found displayed upon a variety of water filtration products but, unless it is from the NSF itself, it may not be worth your investment. The NSF ensures each product passes rigorous testing, including full-system contaminant reduction, extraction testing, and even structural integrity.
Because local water systems are not required to monitor the levels of Chromium 6 present in your tap water, it’s up to you to protect your household from its risky health effects. Whether you prefer to take steps toward testing for this contaminant yourself, or just want to safeguard your personal health from Chromium 6, you are solely responsible for any action taken against its consumption.

Waterdrop G3 Reverse Osmosis

When it comes to keeping those around you safe and healthy, providing reliable drinking water is a great way to get started. In fact, the undersink reverse osmosis filter produced by Waterdrop is sufficiently tested and certified according to NSF/ANSI standard 58, and touts a TDS reduction rate of up to 94%. This RO system is also tested and certified according to NSF/ANSI standard 372, proving the use of lead-free materials for the safest product possible.
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It’s Important You Keep Your Swimming Pool Clean And Safe

During the summer months, swimming pools are being used by everyone from family to friends and therefore it’s crucial the pool is kept clean. Not only will great maintenance and care increase the life of the pool but it’s the hygienically right thing to do. People who go into a pool are bringing along bacteria and other contaminants. You must clean and brush the pool on a regular basis and make sure you add the required chemicals to keep the water clean and safe. If you have a really busy life, consider bringing in a pool cleaning service to take care of it for you.

Why It’s Important To Have A Clean Swimming Pool

When you go that extra mile to keep your pool in great shape, it adds to your entire outdoor environment and everything will connect and run smoothly. The summer is the time of year for many outdoor activities. Your family and friends will love to stop by, enjoy your pool, plan a barbecue, or simply sit back and relax after a long day at work. Your sparkling, clean pool will add a touch of perfection to your backyard.

A Safer Environment

Cleaning and maintaining your pool is essential to your health and the health of your family. If you ignore your pool water, you might be heading toward some very serious health issues. You can develop all sorts of skin infections and irritations caused by parasites. You can end up with eye, and ear infections cause by elements in the water. If you swallow dirty water you can get diarrhea, stomach cramps, and suffer from vomiting.

You Will Save Money

When you or a service cleans your pool on a weekly basis, you will save a lot of money. A well-maintained pool will have fewer problems and usually fewer repairs. When you take the time to remove debris from the filters, clean the filters, and treat the water, you will have a smoothly running pool with very few issues down the road.

The Longevity Of Your Pool

Not only will good maintenance save you money but also save on repairs. A pool that is well-maintained has a longer lifespan than pools that are not taken care of. If you have a pool with a vinyl liner, by taking care of the pool, the liner will last longer though it will have to be replaced a few times over a period of 20 years.

Understanding The Chemistry Of The Water

Clean water and a chemical balance are the two main things that you must have if you own a pool. It’s easier if you set up a weekly schedule for cleaning the pool and adding the correct chemicals to remove unwanted bacteria and other elements that are hiding in the water. Always check the pH balance in the pool and add the correct amount of chlorine to shock the water when it’s necessary Never overlook the shock treatment, it’s critical to the health of the water. Let everyone know you are shocking the pool and they must say out! If not, they can seriously burn and injure their eyes.
Add an additional shock treatment if you experience:
  • Heavy rain and windstorms
  • More people swimming than you expected
  • The water has a foul smell to it
  • Extreme changes in temperatures
  • While swimming your eyes are busing and red
  • The growth of algae
  • The water looks murky and seems slimy

How To Clean The Pool

You can hire a pool cleaning service to do this for you but if want to do it yourself, here are things you need to take care of so your pool will remain in great shape and everything will operate properly.
Remove The Debris –
In your pool supplies, you should have a skimmer. A skimmer has a long pole for a handle with a mesh net at the end. The skimmer can easily pick up debris floating in the pool. You want to gather all the debris before it settles on the bottom of the pool where it will be much harder to get rid of.
Clean The Filters –
Most pool owners understand the importance of cleaning the filters, it protects your health and the health of family and friends. What many people do not understand, the filters in the pool are protecting the water as well by keeping it clean and low on debris floating around. Checking and cleaning the filters is mandatory and replacing them from time to time is just as important.
Test The Water –
Go to your local pool supply store to get any number of pool cleaning products. You can stock up on chemicals and other products to maintain the water’s cleanliness. Stock up on test strips to find out the levels of the pool water. Don’t forget the cleaning products to keep your tiles sparkling!
At Outback Pools & Spas we can help you find the right products for your pool and teach you how to use them the right way.
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Is Well Water Safe To Drink

Statistics have shown that people in the United States have one of the safest and most reliable drinking water systems in the world. Millions of people in the country get their water from a public water system.
The water we drink comes from either surface water or groundwater source. Surface water gathers water from streams, rivers, reservoirs, and lakes. On the other hand, groundwater is found below the ground and is collected in pores and spaces in rocks or underground aquifers. Groundwater is brought to the surface by drilling wells and pumping.
You get your water in your home from surface or groundwater through a local water utility or privately by means of a private well. A private well uses groundwater as the source. If you have a well or other private water system, you are responsible for the water being safe and free of contaminants.

Known Problems From Water Wells

Some of the major problems include iron, hydrogen sulfide, and hardness. There is also the possibility of contaminants that can enter into the water and cause health issues. There are contaminants including lead, arsenic, and nitrates that are common chemicals found in well water. Another major issue is coliform bacteria that users should have tested for issues that can lead to germs and bacteria in the water.
Organic chemicals are also a leading contaminant along with heavy metals such as chromium, copper, lead, and many more.

Is Well Water Safer If It’s Boiled?

Boiling water is definitely the best way to kill bacteria, viruses, and parasites in your well water. You need to bring the water to a full boil which happens as the water is swirling around. Keep it boiling for approximately one minute before using the water. Place the water in a clean covered, container and place it in your refrigerator. After 72 hours, toss out the leftover water. Water should be boiled for:
  • Drinking
  • Mixing with other beverages such as orange juice or lemonade
  • Cooking
  • Making ice cubes
  • Mouth care such as brushing your teeth
You should boil the water for 5 minutes which will remove any bacteria. That said, boiling will not remove solids or other materials in your well water. You should have your well water tested regularly to make sure you have 100% safe water for all your daily uses.

Is Well Water Really Safe?

Keep in mind, unlike public utilities or tap water, well water is not regulated by the Safe Water Drinking Act. This law allows the EPA to set standards nationwide for drinking water.
That means your well water will not be tested or treated by the government. You will be totally responsible for the condition of the water. Make sure you test your water on a regular basis to guarantee its safety.
In the United States, studies have been conducted by the Department of the Interior and 23% of private wells contain a level of contaminated water which is high enough to cause many health issues. The leading contaminants in this water include radon, arsenic, uranium, manganese, and nitrate. Only the last contaminant, Nitrate, is the result of a nearby septic tank and fertilizer.
Even though it is not harmful, keeping track of water hardness in well water is a good maintenance practice. Unfortunately, it might not be a health risk but if the water source is connected to your home’s indoor plumbing it can cause forming soap curds and deposits on the pipes.
Regularly testing for bacteria is very important. Some of the best times to test your well water are after heavy rainfall, after plumbing work has been performed, and there are changes in the taste or smell of the water.

What Can I Do To Keep My Well Water Safe?

Outside of health issues, well water has other issues. Sulfur can cause your water to have a really ugly taste that resembles rotten eggs. Iron can lead to rust on appliances and on your clothing. Hard water can leave spots on dishes and shower walls.
Water filters on the market are very good for removing contaminants from your water. If your water comes from a well, you will need a more robust water filtration system than what’s used under your kitchen sink. Well water can cause contaminants to seep into the soil and your water system.
Most water filters use physical and chemical filtration to remove contaminants from the water. These filters work by taking the water coming into your home and pushing it through a filtration barrier or a chemical filtration to remove particles and contaminants from your water.
You might want to consider:
This Ultrafiltration system can reduce harmful substances with its 0.01-micron pore size, Any contaminant larger than 0.01 micron will be stopped by this membrane including bacteria, viruses, and many other contaminants. You will get the very best optimal filtration system on the planet!
Well water is a chosen source of water by millions of people worldwide. Unlike public water, you have a very important role in keeping this water safe for you and your family. Look into experts who test well water and get a really excellent water filtration system. You want to ensure you have clean, safe water and these two approaches are the best way to get started.
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How to Remove Viruses from Water

Viruses transmitted by polluted water infect millions of people each year, and the World Health Organization estimates that at least two billion people drink contaminated water. Knowledge of waterborne viruses and other waterborne diseases will become increasingly important as the global population grows, and safe drinking water becomes scarcer. You’ll learn about waterborne viruses, how to determine if your water is contaminated, and how to remove viruses from water and protect your drinking water supply in the sections below.

Which Viruses Commonly Spread through Water?

Norovirus and rotavirus are the most common viruses spread through water in the United States, which may surprise you. Because these viruses are known to cause food poisoning, you might assume that they are only spread through food. Both water and food can spread them. If your lost fluids and electrolytes aren’t replaced, both of these viruses can cause severe dehydration and even death.
These aren’t the only viruses that have made their way into our drinking water. In the United States, numerous other water-borne viruses have been discovered. Typhoid, SARs, Hepatitis E and A, conjunctivitis, gastroenteritis, and meningitis are all on the list. While many of these viruses are successfully removed from municipal water supplies in the United States, they can still make their way into your tap water.

How to Check Tap Water for Viruses

It’s important to test your water for viruses and other contaminants at least once a year, whether you have a public water supply or a private well.
After heavy rains or flooding, wells are more vulnerable, so having your water tested more frequently is always a good idea.
Home water tests do not detect viruses; the best method is to send a sample of water to an EPA-certified laboratory.

How to Remove Viruses in Water

Viruses, more than any other contaminant, are relatively easy to remove from water. The following are the most effective methods for removing viruses:


Because of its low cost, it is one of the most widely used chemical water disinfection and treatment methods. This is why your pool water smells like chlorine all the time. Chlorine is safe to drink in small amounts, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). It’s for this reason that it’s used to remove viruses from water.
By causing a chemical reaction, chlorine kills viruses. When chlorine is combined with water, hypochlorous acid is formed, which dissolves virus and bacterium cells and kills them from within.
It’s possible that your water will have a synthetic odor. If you’re having trouble with the smell and taste of your water, an activated carbon filter can help.

Ozone Water Treatment

Ozone water treatment disinfects your water by oxidizing viruses and other harmful contaminants. The oxygen molecule ozone (O3) is one of nature’s most active oxidizing agents. Before being used in water treatment, ozone is first created in an ozone generator. After that, it’s mixed with water, which oxidizes the virus’s organic matter.
As a result of this reaction, their cells become weaker, split, and eventually die. The best thing about this method is that it is quick and can purify water in a matter of seconds.


This simple method allows you to filter water yourself. An important technique is to bring the water to a rolling boil for at least one minute. Due to the fact that their molecules are dissolved, this continuous, intense heat is sufficient to kill not only viruses, but also bacteria, protozoa, and other pathogens, making it an effective method of pathogen reduction.
Refrigerate the boiling water until you’re ready to use it. Heating does not remove chemical poisons or other pollutants from the air, such as hazardous substances or soil.

Distillation Systems

It’s yet another efficient way to purify water. Distillation systems work by heating water to the point where it boils, then collecting the vapors, which contain a variety of contaminants and viruses.
Distillation techniques are primarily used to eliminate pathogens like Cryptosporidium and Giardia. Using distillation systems, viruses such as norovirus, hepatitis, rotavirus, and enteric can be easily removed.
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Are There Any Benefits From Drinking Alkaline Water?

It’s been known for some time now, drinking 8 ounces of water is critical for your overall health. Studies have shown staying hydrated will improve your energy level, clarity, productivity, mood, and memory. What if you were told there is something you can drink that will hydrate you even faster and longer than regular drinking water and will improve your blood, bones, and organ health? If you are not sure, please continue to read on.
The answer is alkaline water! As you continue to read you will discover the pros and cons regarding the benefits of drinking alkaline water and the many reasons why.

Just What Is Alkaline Water?

Alkaline water has higher levels of hydrogen than regular drinking water. The pH level is measured by the number of hydrogen ions in the water. High concentrations of hydrogen ions provide a low pH or acidic substance whereas low levels of hydrogen ions result in higher pH or basic substances.
Breaking it down, the pH scale runs from 0 to 14. Anything below 7 (0 to 6.9) is considered acidic and anything above 7 (7.1 to 14) is considered basic. Your blood is considered slightly basic with a pH of 7. Other products that are considered highly basic such as soap at pH 12, and bleach at pH 13. On the other hand, coffee is pH 5 and considered slightly basic. Tomato juice is pH 4, lemon juice is pH 2 and both are highly acidic.

How Is Alkaline Water Made?

There are 2 kinds of alkaline water, one is found in nature while the other is found in popular water bottles. In this article, you will discover there are different opinions when it comes to alkaline water. We will go over the opinions.
First off, alkaline water in nature is flowing water that crosses over rocks in springs. This water picks up minerals as it flows boosting its pH and alkalinity. Alkaline water found in plastic bottles is created through a process called electrolysis. During the process, an ionizer is used to raise the pH of the water and electricity separates the acidic and alkaline molecules in the water. During the process, the acidic molecules are funneled out.

Is Alkaline Any Good For You?

This is probably one of the most asked questions but the answer is not all that straightforward.
Many people want to know if alkaline water will actually make you feel better?
There is a good chance because it’s a great way to get hydration to your body and the minerals offer many potential health benefits, It might be. We’ll address this question a little later on.
Will alkaline water by itself improve your health?
The scientific evidence is still out on this question as further research must be performed. What some research does show, the increased amount of alkaline minerals in your body through supplements can lead to significant boosts in your blood and urinary pH.
Will higher levels of pH affect your health significantly?
Some sources say yes while others say no. Unfortunately, there is not a whole lot of scientific evidence to support the claim of alkaline water benefits. Those who are in favor, believe that it can possibly:
  • Support your immune system
  • It can cleanse your body, especially the colon
  • Offers antioxidants that help with anti-aging
  • Can support weight loss by boosting your metabolism
  • Boosts skin health with hydration
  • Helps good digestion and bowel health

Will Alkaline Water Alter Your Body’s Natural pH Level?

No. Usually, your blood stays at a pH of 7 which is right in the middle of the pH scale. The pH level in your urine is altered by what you drink and eat. When the alkaline you consume hits your stomach, the acids in your gut neutralize it. Essentially, you are paying a good deal of money to drink something that will not affect your body’s acidity.

Will Drinking Alkaline Water Cause Any Problems?

Drinking bottled alkaline water every other day will have no significant effect on your body. On the other hand, if you drink a ton of alkaline water on a daily basis, your body will have to work harder to maintain its pH. That means, over time, your body will create more gastric juices and digestive enzymes.

Final words

Those who suffer from kidney conditions or are taking medications to alter their kidney function, the minerals in alkaline water could start to accumulate in their bodies. If you are someone who suffers from kidney issues, it is highly recommended you talk with your doctor before drinking alkaline water whether through natural sources or in bottled water.
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Is It Okay To Drink Water With Fluoride In It?

Fluoride is a natural mineral that is released from rocks into the water, the soil, and even the air. All forms of water contain a certain level of fluoride. The level in water is minimal and therefore not able to prevent tooth decay. There are areas such as groundwater and natural springs that actually do have higher levels of fluoride.
Public water or community water is treated for the level of fluoride in the water.
The treatment can raise the level to recommended standards for preventing tooth decay.

How Does Fluoride Get Into Our Water?

In 1931, according to H.V. Churchill, Chief Chemist working in an American mining company, said people who drink water with high levels of fluoride will probably not have cavities. This is probably why fluoride became an important element in mouthwash and toothpaste, approximately 10 years later.
In 1945, Grand Rapids, Michigan started the fluoridation process in water. The news spread throughout communities when it was discovered fluoride prevented cavities, especially in children. On the other hand, there was no proof fluoride worked against cavities in adults.
Later on, the Cochrane report was released marking a critical juncture for the use of fluoridated water. According to this report, several studies suggested fluoridated water provided healthy benefits but ended up not being true. These various reports did not provide information on why other products with fluoride such as toothpaste and mouthwash should be trusted but not processed fluoridated water?
Different discrepancies led to extensive research to answer why consuming large levels of fluoride could actually be harmful to one’s health. There has been evidence and even more concerns regarding what’s involved in the consumption of fluoride and whether it’s good for you or bad for you. Let’s take a closer look.

Reasons Why Fluoride Might Be Good For Public Water

One of the best ways to prevent tooth decay in children is fluoride in water. One study said children that live in communities without fluoridated water ran a 3 times greater risk of getting tooth decay and end up undergoing dental surgery.
Studies have shown that fluoride in public water prevents around 25% of tooth decay among children and adults alike, even while using toothpaste. Fluoride is also available in several other sources. Fluoride seems to be nature’s fighter against cavities.
For over 70 years, science has provided proof that shows community water that is fluoridated is a safe and effective way to combat tooth decay and cavities. It has been backed by many prominent organizations because they know the health benefits of fluoridated water in preventing tooth decay including the American Medical Association, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the World Health Organization, and the American Dental Association.
When it comes to the cost, not just people who have dental issues but the entire community pays for it with their health insurance and even with their taxes. On the other hand, the lifetime cost for each person having fluoridated water is less expensive than one tooth being filled.
Fluoride is a natural element in groundwater and in the oceans. Water fluoridation is a simple process of adjusting fluoride to the recommended level to prevent tooth decay. It’s actually quite similar to fortifying foods and beverages such as salt with iodine, milk with vitamin D, calcium in orange juice, and bread with folic acid.
If you have questions or concerns about fluoride, contact your dentist, physician, or pediatrician. Then decide if fluoride is for you or not.

Side Effects From Fluoride

Too much exposure to fluoride has led to several health issues including Dental Fluorosis. This is a condition that changes the appearance of tooth enamel, especially among children who are 8 years of age or younger while their teeth are still developing and they are constantly drinking water with high levels of fluoride. The fluoride level should be 0.7 ppm for good dental health. 4.0 ppm can lead to issues. Fluoride does not affect the health of teeth but can cause discoloration to the enamel.
Breastfeeding infants or making a formula with water that is minus fluoride can protect small children from fluorosis.
Children under 6 years of age should not use a mouthwash with fluoride and should be monitored when brushing their teeth and not allowed to swallow the toothpaste. There are several other issues caused by fluoride including:
Too much exposure to fluoride can cause a bone disease known as skeletal fluorosis. Over time, it will cause pain and damage to bones and joints. Your bones might harden, increasing the risk of fractures. If the bones thicken and tissue accumulates, it can lead to impaired joint mobility.
Too much fluoride can damage the parathyroid gland. The gland sits behind the thyroid glands in your neck. It produces parathyroid hormones which increase levels of calcium in your blood. It can cause hyperparathyroidism which is the uncontrolled secretion of parathyroid hormones. In turn, this can lead to a depletion of calcium in bones and higher abnormal concentration levels of calcium in the blood. Adding to that, lower concentrations of calcium in bones will make your bones more vulnerable to fractures.
A report published in 2017. stated that exposure to fluoride before birth can lead to poor cognitive issues in the future.
Researchers studied the levels of fluoride in 299 women during pregnancy andtheir children between 6 and 12 years of age. Their cognitive abilities at a6 to12 were also tested. The higher the fluoride level seemed to cause lower IQ scores.
In 2014, fluoride was classified as a neurotoxin that could be dangerous for children during their developing years along with 10 other industrial chemicals including lead, arsenic, toluene, and methylmercury.
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How Much Water You Should Consume Every Day?

Knowing how much water you should consume each day can be confusing and difficult to figure out. One reason is caused by the simple fact that all bodies are not the same so consumption will vary.
According to the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine women should consume a total of 2.7 liters or 11 cups of fluid while men should consume 3.7 or 16 cups. Keep in mind, not all fluids have to be water. Other beverages and foods should still be nutrient-rich in content.

Do You Know The Health Benefits From Drinking Water?

Your body is made up of approximately 50 to 70% of your body weight. Above and beyond all else, your body depends on water in order to survive.
Every single cell, tissue, and organ in your body requires water to work properly.
This Include:
  • Your body removes waste by urinating, perspiring, and with bowel movements.
  • Water keeps your body temperature down.
  • Water cushions and lubricates your joints.
  • Water protects your tissues.
If you are not consuming enough water in the course of a day, you will become dehydrated. Dehydration causes your body to be unable to carry out normal functions. Dehydration will drain your energy level not allowing your body to function properly. You will experience feeling tired all the time.

Is It Important To Stay Hydrated?

All bodies are different when it comes to hydration requirements. Meeting your personal level will give you many great benefits to improve your overall health.
According to the Harvard School of Public Health, good hydration will allow your body to function the way it should, will lubricate your joints, and regulate your body temperature. Harvard also noted good hydration will help you sleep better, process thoughts more clearly, and even improve your mood.

How Can I Know My Fluid Requirements?

Check your activity level. If you are very active, exercising a lot, and working out you will need more water.
If you live at a higher altitude or in a warmer climate, you should increase your water level.
If you believe you have a metabolism that is higher than some others, your body will need more fuel to stay active, so increase your water intake.
Check your weight on a regular basis. The more you weigh, the more water your body will need to function.
Your body’s demands for water can fluctuate depending on the following:
If you drink alcohol, realize it’s a diuretic that will dehydrate your body. Before consuming another drink, have a glass of water to rehydrate your body by replacing lost fluids caused by the alcohol.
If you are taking medications, drink a lot of water because medications can dry you out.
In many cases, when you are sick or under the weather, you probably are not taking in enough fluids, especially if your illness is causing diarrhea or vomiting. You should consider increasing your fluids with a few cups of clear broth and/or gelatin.
If your physical activity involves jogging or running a good distance, causing you to sweat, you should drink more water. In fact, the more active you are, the more water you need to consume.
Weather conditions will also affect your intake of water. If it’s really hot, use common sense and drink more water. If you live in an arid climate or your home is very dry, you should take in more water than is normally recommended.

How Can I Know If I Am Drinking Too Much Water?

Although this is not common, it’s possible to consume too much water. Overhydration can be caused by the following:
Some athletes will try to prevent dehydration by drinking too much water during a strenuous workout.
People who have medical conditions such as heart failure and kidney disease can cause their bodies to overcompensate for the need for water.
People with other medical conditions can lead to excessive thirst which will lead to drinking too much water.
Overhydration is a condition known as hyponatremia. If you have hyponatremia your body does not have enough sodium which is known as an electrolyte for fluid regulation. As a result, fluids will cause the cells in your body to swell up including your brain and cells. This condition is dangerous and can lead to:
  • Headaches
  • Fatigue
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Seizures
  • Cause a change in mood swings like confusion or irritability.
  • Coma
  • Muscle cramps and weakness.
You should check with your doctor to find out if you are at risk for overhydration. You should work with your doctor to decide what is the right amount of fluid you should consume daily in order to remain safe and hydrated.
Overhydration is known as water intoxication or excessive water. It happens when your body’s ability to reduce fluid is not met because of a large fluid intake into your body.
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Drink More Water And Lose Weight

Just for the record, drinking water will help you lose weight, just not overnight. Our bodies are made up of 60% water and according to the U.S. Geological Survey, water is responsible for flushing out waste and controlling your body’s temperature.
Our bodies rely on water to keep our organs and body cells healthy including our blood. Our kidneys are excellent for managing the amount of water consumed in order to produce more urine as well as removing excess water. What you might not know, your body is sensitive to a lack of water and you might not survive over a week without the proper intake of water.
It’s a fact that we need to help our bodies function properly and remain hydrated in order to stay alive. If you have ever followed a reputable diet, you know drinking plenty of water will also help you lose weight. Here are some tips you should know to help you lose weight and maintain good health.

Can Water Really Help You Lose Weight?

Yes, water will help you lose weight by controlling your appetite, improving your metabolism, and burning off excess fat. In 2013, studies showed that participants who drank water while dieting lost weight.

To Lose Weight, How Much Water Should You Consume Each Day?

Nothing is etched in stone regarding how much water you should consume to lose weight. Several studies showed a link between the consumption of 500 millimeters of water before meals will help you lose weight. In 2008, another study involving 173 pre-menopausal overweight women who followed a diet and consumed at least 34 oz of water per day, lost around 5 lbs over the course of one year.
In reality, only 34 oz of water is not enough to keep you hydrated but according to Kimball, your weight loss should meet your personal goal. Set your goals and and don’t waiver.

Five Easy Ways To Help You Consume More Water

  • One – You should start your day off drinking water and continue throughout the day. You can easily consume a glass of water while your coffee is brewing.
  • Two – If you are drinking other beverages, include a glass of water. It will help slow down the calories brought into your body from those beverages. Also, a glass of water will help you feel full.
  • Three – Try drinking water through a straw. Did you know, drinking water through a straw will let you consume more water than sipping it from a glass? Try drinking water through a straw and sip other beverages from a glass. You will take in fewer calories by bringing in more water during the course of the day and fewer calories from other beverages
  • Four – Find a great cup or jug to use during the day. If you don’t have one that meets your needs, purchase one. It should fit comfortably in your hand, will not sweat, is insulated to keep the water cool, and comes with a straw
  • Five – The perfect jug or cup will make it easier to refill. When you have finished the water in your cup, simply refill it, easy as that!
Keep in mind, water is inexpensive, a perfect choice for filling you up, and will help you cut calories. Also, water is the perfect choice for a healthy body.
Whatever avenue you choose, make sure you are taking in more water, and make sure you are including it every single day. Water will clean out your body of toxins and wastes while ensuring your body is functioning properly. No living creature on this planet can survive without water. What is even more important, water is precious. Change your habits and take in more water to help your body run like a top.
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It’s Time To Prepare For Your RV Traveling

As winter prepares to move on, spring is right around the corner. People are coming out of their homes and looking for great adventures that lie ahead. Lockdowns are behind you and the clatter from the press will be left behind when you take off on your splendid vacation. Many people who call themselves RVers, are storing up on supplies, backpacks, gear, and everything else they might need at some point when traveling. In order to make your RV trip better, you should make a list of all necessities and make sure you have everything before leaving home.

Prepare Meals & Snacks Ahead Of Time

To make your trip more enjoyable, preparing separate meals will help your kids have their favorite meals and totally enjoy the trip. Separate snacks and sandwiches will give everyone their favorite choices. Don’t forget to bring along plenty of filters for your portable container for clean, fresh water. Even traveling in an RV, you can become dehydrated quite easily.
Meal planning can be quite easy with an RV. You have a kitchen to prepare foods or choose your outdoor grill. You can plan food ahead of time by chopping up ingredients and storing them in the refrigerator for later on. When you are ready, just dump the ingredients in the slow cooker and sit back, enjoy the scenic views, and eat when you are ready. On the upside, there will be fewer trips to the nearest grocery store spending less money, and having more time for your family or friends.
When planning meals, it’s a really good idea to give your kids food they like and are familiar with. Be creative and prepare some new tasty dishes for the road trip. Consider roasting marshmallows over an open fire or S’mores from your stove for a very special treat. What kid wouldn’t love that? These are special treats that will build memories and everyone will be ready for next year!

Have RV Toilet Essentials

RVs are amazingly adaptable and the bathrooms follow suit. No one wants to spend half their traveling time stopping somewhere for a pit stop. Without a bathroom during the pandemic would have been a real nightmare. If you do not plan ahead for bathroom essentials, you could be up the proverbial creek!
Stock up on dissolving toilet paper and scented capsules to drop in the toilet to keep everything smelling fresh. You can find these capsules at many different stores including Walgreens or Walmart.
If you use these essentials properly but still end up with a clogged toilet, there are many solutions you can find online. One is boiling water poured down the toilet. . It has worked for us but you are welcome to try other products.

Don’t Forget Entertainment

Entertainment is a great choice for bad weather days and especially for your kids. Bring along some films or games to make long dark days so much more enjoyable. Bring along games or video games you all enjoy at home, settle in, and just have a relaxing evening. If video games help your kids settle down before going to bed, so be it! Entertainment is the best way for everyone to relax and have a great evening.
If you have mapped out your route and one particular day is going to be a long ride, make sure your kids have video games or movies to watch and keep them occupied. Long drives can be hard on the driver so in order for them to remain focused, make sure your kids are not crying, screaming, or having difficult moments that will seriously interfere with focusing on driving.

Make Sure To Drink Clean, Fresh Water

You could boil water to get safe drinking water or purchase a portable water container that comes with replaceable filters. Keep in mind, boiled water will not remove impurities from the water. Use a good outdoor water purifier to get clean and safe water. The Waterdrop King Tank gravity filter is the perfect choice for RV traveling.
Unlike the many electrical filtration systems that obviously require electricity, the gravity-fed system does not need a power supply or water line to operate. This is an excellent highly portable system that you can pack up and take with you on your trip.
You have great added comforts including a kitchen, refrigerator, stove, running water, and many of the advantages you enjoy at home. Just make sure you have packed up everything you need to enjoy a long, pleasant vacation.
Spring is the perfect time to pack up your RV and visit places you have never been to before or a particular place you just can’t wait to go back to. Just make sure you prepare a detailed list of things you will need ahead of time and check things off as you go along. RVs are great traveling vehicles with many necessities you can’t find elsewhere. Your family or friends will have a great vacation without the inconveniences often found with other forms of travel.
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Understanding and Treating TDS in Drinking Water Sources

Did you know water is considered a universal solvent? This is simply due to water’s ability to absorb molecules from a variety of substances, and completely dissolve them. The amount of dissolved particles found in specific volumes of water is referred to as TDS, or total dissolved solids level. These total dissolved solids may be organic or inorganic, and it’s vital to understand the TDS level of your own drinking water at home. As a whole, this level represents the quality and status of your current drinking water situation. Let’s explore the ins and outs of total dissolved solids, including the different types, ways to measure, and how to reduce their presence overall.

What are TDS Levels?

The level of inorganic or organic materials, commonly referred to as total dissolved solids (TDS) may include salts, ions, metals, minerals, and more. TDS levels are a way to measure elements dissolved in water that are far from an H2O molecule. As water encounters soluble materials, because it is a solvent, the particles are absorbed into water and create total dissolved solids. The TDS in your drinking may be derived from nearly any source, such as road runoff, your home plumbing system, municipal water supply chemicals, as well as natural water springs.

Different Types of Total Dissolved Solids

There are hundreds of kinds of total dissolved solids, which typically fall into four main categories. Salts, minerals, organic matter, and dissolved metals all play a role in your total dissolved solids level.
  • Salts
  • Small amounts of salts are a natural occurrence of groundwater. Human activity, fertilizer, the use of water softeners, sewage contamination, and even de-icing roads may contribute to salt levels.
  • Minerals
  • Calcium, potassium, and magnesium are just a few of the minerals derived from natural sources that commonly pop up in your TDS levels. Mineral-rich rocks produce small amounts of minerals that are released into rivers, lakes, and streams naturally. These minerals however, play a vital role in your daily RDI, improving the taste of your water.
  • Organic Matter
  • Water becomes contaminated with dissolved organic matter as a direct result of the natural decomposition process. Various plant material, including algae, begins to break down and flow directly through your faucet. Most of the natural organic matter in municipal applications is easily removed throughout the water treatment process, though.
  • Dissolved Metals
  • Pollution is the main cause of the presence of dissolved metals in your water ways, as a result of industrial waste, human activities (like mining), and more. This causes metals to leach into your drinking sources. Additionally, aside from metal pipes, soil or rocks may contribute metal in small amounts.

Sources of Total Dissolved Solids Found in Water

In regards to drinking water, TDS can be derived from both intentional and incidental sources. Whether or not it was intentional, total dissolved solids can pose hazards to your health overall. Let’s take a look at the differences between incidental sources of contaminants, and intentional sources.
  • Intentional Sources
  • In the event of totally dissolved solids being added to water sources intentionally, look no further than your local grocery store shelves. Do you notice stacks upon stacks of bottled water housed in plastic bottles? The most commonly utilized additives include calcium and magnesium, especially in “mineral water” products.
    Although many bottled water manufacturers practice adding electrolytes to their product, the chosen minerals are not naturally found in pure water sources. They claim such additives prevent tooth decay, including fluoride.
  • Incidental Sources
  • Organic compounds tend to originate from some sort of run-off, sewage, wastewater, water treatment and more. These are considered a derivative of incidental sources, rather than intentional sources. They may be derived from something as unthinkable as water pipes deep underneath your own neighborhood.
    Take the high lead count of Flint’s own water supply for example. This problem began as a direct result of the lead water pipes installed throughout Flint’s aging community. The use of a mineral spring is another common example that eventually leads to an incidental source of TDS in the water supply. As water flows underground, coming into contact with rocks high in minerals, the water fills with beneficial compounds.

Ways to Measure TDS Levels

The level of total dissolved solids (TDS) is typically measured as a volume of water, utilizing unit milligrams per liter (mg/L), or PPM (parts per million). The EPA set forth secondary drinking water regulations with a level of 500 ppm as a recommended maximum TDS level. Drinking water measuring higher in TDS than 1000 ppm is considered unsafe, especially if that level far exceeds 2000 ppm.
Having your water tested through the use of a TDS meter is considered the safest and simplest way to measure for TDS. If your TDS meter reads 100ppm, you are getting a reading of 100 dissolved ions to 999,900 water molecules for every one million particles. A reading such as this would be considered a low level of total dissolved solids.
Unfortunately, a TDS meter alone is incapable of identifying which types of TDS are present in drinking water. Overall, this vital information serves as an important piece to the puzzle in terms of water quality. This is where a home water test kit serves as a good resource or, as an alternative, a lab water analysis.