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Drink More Water And Lose Weight

Just for the record, drinking water will help you lose weight, just not overnight. Our bodies are made up of 60% water and according to the U.S. Geological Survey, water is responsible for flushing out waste and controlling your body’s temperature.
Our bodies rely on water to keep our organs and body cells healthy including our blood. Our kidneys are excellent for managing the amount of water consumed in order to produce more urine as well as removing excess water. What you might not know, your body is sensitive to a lack of water and you might not survive over a week without the proper intake of water.
It’s a fact that we need to help our bodies function properly and remain hydrated in order to stay alive. If you have ever followed a reputable diet, you know drinking plenty of water will also help you lose weight. Here are some tips you should know to help you lose weight and maintain good health.

Can Water Really Help You Lose Weight?

Yes, water will help you lose weight by controlling your appetite, improving your metabolism, and burning off excess fat. In 2013, studies showed that participants who drank water while dieting lost weight.

To Lose Weight, How Much Water Should You Consume Each Day?

Nothing is etched in stone regarding how much water you should consume to lose weight. Several studies showed a link between the consumption of 500 millimeters of water before meals will help you lose weight. In 2008, another study involving 173 pre-menopausal overweight women who followed a diet and consumed at least 34 oz of water per day, lost around 5 lbs over the course of one year.
In reality, only 34 oz of water is not enough to keep you hydrated but according to Kimball, your weight loss should meet your personal goal. Set your goals and and don’t waiver.

Five Easy Ways To Help You Consume More Water

  • One – You should start your day off drinking water and continue throughout the day. You can easily consume a glass of water while your coffee is brewing.
  • Two – If you are drinking other beverages, include a glass of water. It will help slow down the calories brought into your body from those beverages. Also, a glass of water will help you feel full.
  • Three – Try drinking water through a straw. Did you know, drinking water through a straw will let you consume more water than sipping it from a glass? Try drinking water through a straw and sip other beverages from a glass. You will take in fewer calories by bringing in more water during the course of the day and fewer calories from other beverages
  • Four – Find a great cup or jug to use during the day. If you don’t have one that meets your needs, purchase one. It should fit comfortably in your hand, will not sweat, is insulated to keep the water cool, and comes with a straw
  • Five – The perfect jug or cup will make it easier to refill. When you have finished the water in your cup, simply refill it, easy as that!
Keep in mind, water is inexpensive, a perfect choice for filling you up, and will help you cut calories. Also, water is the perfect choice for a healthy body.
Whatever avenue you choose, make sure you are taking in more water, and make sure you are including it every single day. Water will clean out your body of toxins and wastes while ensuring your body is functioning properly. No living creature on this planet can survive without water. What is even more important, water is precious. Change your habits and take in more water to help your body run like a top.

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