Water Filtration

Filtered Water’s Benefits May Surprise You

Many homeowners are under the guise of quality when it comes to their tap
water. Up to 38% of individuals are satisfied with the overall smell and taste of the water flowing through to
their faucets. Unfortunately, this assumption leaves individuals exposed to dangerous chemicals, contaminants,
solids, heavy metals, and much more. These pollutants impose health risks far beyond poor tasting or smelling
water, which are also easily avoidable with proper filtration or water purification. In all, tap water should
never be relied upon completely, regardless of whether it originates from a well or municipal water – but why?

The Effectiveness of Water Filters

In an effort to purify your tap water, filtration units work to eliminate
contaminants and other harmful pollutants from you water source. Because tap water goes through various stages
of filtration, utilizing chemicals and more to remove dangerous bacteria, city water could be tainted with
contaminants. When this water flows through to your shower, you may discover dry skin, hair changes, and more.
This is because, while chemicals may eliminate viruses, it has adverse effects on your overall health. Other
various harmful substances include: arsenic, chlorine, copper, fluoride, hormones, heavy metals (lead, mercury),
pesticides, and nitrates, just to name a few. With this in mind, would you remain confident in your tap water
without a mode of filtration?

Arguments in Filtered Water’s Favor

Your body is highly dependent upon water in order to perform proper nutrient
absorption. By consuming adequate amounts of water, you are better equipped to absorb nutrients derived from
veggies, fruits, and more. Your metabolism will begin to work efficiently, promoting weight loss, as well as to
improve health, by adding water completely free from dangerous chemicals. Regardless of your location, or time
of day, drinking high quality water should not be overlooked. Thankfully, with the development of technology,
there are a variety of modes of filtration for home, hiking, RVs, camping, hotels, and more, for safe water on
the go.
As mentioned above, an increase in consumption of water improves the
mechanics of your metabolism, and more. It’s no surprise to learn that your water is comprised of 60% water,
further highlighting the importance of a regular supply of efficient water. From absorbing nutrients, to
digestion, water plays an important role in the ins and outs of your day to day life. If you have found yourself
avoiding water at all costs, it may be time to look at your water source – if only for your health. Your
personalized needs will differ from person to person, depending on your weight and height. This could range from
half a gallon to an entire gallon, especially if you are an extremely active person. When unpleasant tastes and
odors are removed by water, it’s common to see homeowners consuming more water. This is great news for those of
you interested in investing in water filtration.
As discussed, tap water can be home to a whole host of contaminants,
pesticides, heavy metals, and more. Once you begin to discover the negative influences these elements may have
on your health, it’s easy to make up your mind on filtration. Maybe it’s a product of poor filtration technique
originating at the municipal water treatment facility, but that doesn’t mean you’re completely helpless. High
quality filtration cartridges have been shown to dramatically decrease the presence of aluminum, lead, chlorine,
etc. And, before you jump off the deep end, and resolve yourself to purchasing bottled water, instead – there
are just as many cons associated with water housed in plastic.
When the plastic used in bottled water is exposed to high levels of heat,
whether during transportation, or production, it leeches chemicals into its contents. That means, regardless of
whether it’s labeled “BPA Free”, you are still at risk of consuming contaminants, and dangerous chemicals. Not
to mention the effort one must invest into transporting bottled water from the store, cost of disposal, and even
the overall impact on the environment.

Trending Water Filters

By adopting an innovative technology, Waterdrop has developed a revolutionary filter structure in a 5-in-1 composite filter. Comprised of different filtration materials integrated into one design, Waterdrop’s Reverse Osmosis System is better equipped to save space, while offering optimal water filtration effects.
A tankless design makes this RO system perfect for individuals short on space. With the ability to install Waterdrop’s RO system under the sink, in a cabinet, and more, the options for homeowners is nearly endless. Tankless systems also provide peace of mind, by completely removing the storage tank commonly responsible for promoting the colonization of bacteria.
Plus, when it comes time for a replacement, the process couldn’t be easier. Simply open the front panel, remove the old filter, and replace it with a Waterdrop filter for a continuous supply of healthy, safe drinking water.
Aquasana’s Whole House Filtration System utilizes a high-performance filter system, paired with carbon, and a salt-free conditioner. This unit is engineered in order to provide maximum filtration, in an effort to reduce overall scale, while still allowing beneficial minerals to remain in the resulting filtered water. Ultimately, Aquasana’s water filter system provides clean, healthy filtered water from every tap within your home. Furthermore, this whole house system features a dual-tank design, which resists clogging, for optimal performance.
Purify municipal water with a high-capacity filter from CuZn. Although this unit is not suggested for filtering well water, it is an excellent choice for filtering city water. By utilizing 3-stage purification technology, the UC-200 water filtration system will serve a great purpose in improving overall health. When space is on short supply, this unit may easily install underneath a kitchen sink.

Final Thoughts

Filtering tap water is not only easier on the environment, and better for your health, it is friendlier to your wallet, too. Rather than purchasing bottled water, or drinking straight from the tap, you can actually improve your health, with water free from contaminants and chemicals, and rather filled with beneficial minerals and hydration capabilities. If you are looking to take your health back into your own hands, it’s time to seriously consider your mode of water filtration.

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