Healthy Life

8 Tips to Help You Drink More Water

Humans cannot survive without water. Every cell in our body requires water to function as expected. Dehydration causes constipation and the accumulation of toxins in the body. If the body doesn’t get sufficient water, it affects kidney function. On the other hand, Hydration prevents all these, in addition to lubricating the muscles, nourishing the screen, and keeping the body temperature normal.
We are all at the risk of dehydration, but the risk is higher in certain people, including infants and young children and people who spend time outdoors. Older adults are also more susceptible to dehydration. The older we get, the smaller our body’s fluid reserve. As a result, the body struggles to conserve water, as indicated by a less acute thirst sense. If such individuals suffer illnesses like dementia or diabetes that require treatment via certain medications, they may suffer even more severe dehydration.
Drinking water daily is important. However, doing the same thing every time can be boring. But not to worry, we have a few tricks to spice it up. In this article, we have recommended a few products to make your water drinking experience even better.
So, let’s get to it without wasting time.

Introduce Some Flavors to Your Pitcher

How about steeping some fresh fruit, veggie slices, or herbs into your carafe? Adding basil, mint, lavender, and other herbs; or lemon, strawberries, grapefruit, and other fruits can make your water even tastier. You can make it even more fun by experimenting with different combinations, e.g., basil lemon or mint cucumber.

Drink Water after Your Bathroom Breaks

We go to the bathroom multiple times every day. You can make it a habit to drink a glass of water each time you take a bathroom break. A quick stop at the kitchen on your way out of the bathroom to get a glass of water isn’t a bad idea. With time, it becomes a part of your daily routine. Since you are already up from your seat, spending a few minutes filling your glass or bottle shouldn’t be a problem. The benefits are continuous – you drink more water, you frequent the bathroom more, and you get to drink even more water.

Have A Few Sips before Your Meal

Those moments you wait by the countertop waiting for your food to be ready are ideal water-drinking moments. If you are out of your home, you can request a glass of water while you await your orders. Oh, the few minutes you wait for your lunch to heat up is also a good time to drink some water. You can also sip while preparing your snack. These basic rules can go a long way in helping you drink more water. Remember, a hydrated body is a healthy body.

Add Ice and Water to Your Sugary Drinks

We cannot avoid sugary drinks, including ice tea, lemonades, and juice. But, whatever your preference is, you can add some ice and water before drinking. This dilution doesn’t take away the sweetness of your drink. However, it ensures your body gets some extra water alongside the drink. Yes, watering down your favorite beverage may be strange at first. But with time, you can get used to the new diluted taste, and your body can get used to having more water than usual.

Never Be far away from A Gallon Jug

The easiest way to remember to drink water is to have the water close to you. The same way we put an item we do not want to forget in a conspicuous area of the home, placing your jug of water around easily reminds you to drink. You can also have a carafe at your bed at home or at your desk in the office. It can also easily sit on your kitchen countertop, where it screams “drink” every time. Every time you spot your water jug, your brain receives a signal that prompts you to refill it and fill a glass for drinking.

Buy A Filter

Before now, most homeowners used to see filters as a luxury. However, a water filter is more of a necessity and less of a luxury in recent times, especially if your public water is not safe for drinking. When you filter your drinking water, it tastes better than what you get from your tap or fountain. Another interesting way this works is that you are compelled to get the best out of your water filter system, considering how much you have invested. So, getting a filtration device for your kitchen sink or portable bottle will get you to drink more water than you would without such facilities.

Consider Water-Rich Foods

Some foods are richer in water than others. When you eat more of such foods, you increase your daily water consumption, which is incredibly beneficial for your health. Shop more fruits and vegetables with high water content when next you are shopping for groceries. If you are unsure what to get, try grapefruit with 91% water, watermelon with 92% water, zucchini with 95% water, and cucumber with 96% water.

Never Leave Your Glass or Bottle Empty

If you ever have to exhaust the water in your glass or water bottle, do not leave them sitting empty. Instead, fill them up immediately. Yes, this can be physically demanding, and it is easy to procrastinate until you completely forget to refill. This is why you should make it a routine to fill the container back up as soon as you have finished its content. With your glass or bottle filled at all times, you are more likely to drink more water within short periods.


Cultivating a healthy water drinking habit requires considerable effort. However, the tips we have mentioned in this article can ensure consistency and make the whole experience enjoyable for you. Remember, your body has a lot to gain if you feed it with sufficient water and a lot to lose if it is deprived of water.

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